Section heading

Section headings are second-level headings (marked as H2 in the code). Use them to break pages up into sections.

<div class="nhsapp-section-heading">
  <h2 class="nhsuk-heading-s">Your GP services</h2>

{% from "nhsapp/styles/section-heading/macro.njk" import nhsappSectionHeading %}

{{ nhsappSectionHeading({
  headingText: "Your GP services"
}) }}

To use the component in your design, add the NHS App Figma library to your working files, and navigate using the components tab.

View component in Figma

To use the component in your Vue application, install the NHS App Vue Component Library and import the component.

View component in Vue

When to use

Use section headings to separate pages into distinct sections. This helps to create hierarchy and structure.

Organising content into sections with descriptive headings can help users:

  • find what they need more easily
  • understand the relationship between different parts of a page

Section headings may be particularly helpful to users on:

  • longer pages
  • pages with several distinct groupings of information

When not to use

Section headings are not interactive, so do not use them as selectable headers.

How to use

Place section headings at the start of a new area of information or options. They can be followed by text, panel links or other components.

Section headings should only be a few words long. The text should not go over one line.

This component has the option to toggle on a right-aligned link text. On the homepage, these links are used for “View all”, allowing users to navigate to a hub page containing the full list of features represented by the section title.

With supporting text

<div class="nhsapp-section-heading">
  <h2 class="nhsuk-heading-s nhsuk-u-margin-bottom-3">Upcoming appointments</h2>

<p class="nhsuk-u-margin-bottom-5">1 upcoming appointment</p>

{% from "nhsapp/styles/section-heading/macro.njk" import nhsappSectionHeading %}

{{ nhsappSectionHeading({
  headingText: "Upcoming appointments",
  subheadingText: "1 upcoming appointment"
}) }}

To use the component in your design, add the NHS App Figma library to your working files, and navigate using the components tab.

View component in Figma

To use the component in your Vue application, install the NHS App Vue Component Library and import the component.

View component in Vue


Section headings can act as an important H2 anchor point for screen reader users when they navigate pages by headings.


In usability testing, we have regularly seen users scan through pages by section title to find what they are looking for.

Help improve this component

If you have used or researched this component, please let us know what you found so we can make it better for everyone.

Discuss 'Section heading' on GitHub where you can share anything you think might be useful.

You can also share feedback with us on Slack.