
Use icons as visual cues, to help users understand and navigate content.

5 icons. Switch profiles, messages, home, cross and help icons.

When to use

Use icons when you have evidence that doing so will:

  • reinforce meaning
  • improve comprehension
  • help with recognition

When not to use

Use icons sparingly. Too many icons on a page will reduce the effect.

Do not use icons unless there is a particular need to make the content more visual. Text is often enough.

Be mindful about how much an icon can make one piece of content on a page stand out from surrounding information. It may not work to use icons for less-important information on a page, because it could make that content seem too prominent.

How to use

We use scalable vector graphics (SVG) files for icons. They can be used with or without supporting text.

Icon Label Code in GitHub Used in
account account.svg Account and settings - top navigation
chevronRight chevron-right.svg Card links
crossFilled cross-filled.svg Services (active state) - bottom navigation
cross cross.svg Services - bottom navigation
heartFilled heart-filled.svg Your health (active state) - bottom navigation
heart heart.svg Your health - bottom navigation
help help.svg Help - top navigation
homeFilled home-filled.svg Home (active state) - bottom navigation
home home.svg Home - bottom navigation
messagesFilled messages-filled.svg Messages (active state) - bottom navigation
messages messages.svg Messages - bottom navigation and card links
messagesUnreadFilled messages-unread-filled.svg Messages with unread items (active state) - bottom navigation
messagesUnread messages-unread.svg Messages with unread items - bottom navigation and card links
switchProfile switch-profile.svg Card links

You can find the icons in Figma.


Icons that act as functional buttons should have aria labels, so that they are announced to screen reader users. If an icon is not functional, and it appears alongside supporting text that conveys the same meaning, it may not need alt-text or an aria label. Designers and developers should work together to understand the most accessible option in context, considering NHS Service Manual accessibility guidance.


The icons used on the top navigation and bottom navigation of the NHS App were well-recognised when shown to users without supporting text in our research sessions. Participants generally understood the meaning of the icons. However, the research supported the need for some icons to have accompanying text to make the meaning clear.

Help improve this component

If you have used or researched this component, please let us know what you found so we can make it better for everyone.

Discuss 'Icons' on GitHub where you can share anything you think might be useful.

You can also share feedback with us on Slack.